AEW Dynamite Results (10/10/23) Title Tuesday, Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus

Welcome to WrestleZones live coverage of AEW Dynamite! : Eddie Kingston def. Minoru Suzuki via pinfall to retain both titles. After, they chopped each other as a sign of respect. Backstage, Tony Schiavone and Tony Khan announced that Orange Cassidy will challenge Rey Fenix tonight for the International title since Jon Moxley is not cleared

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of AEW Dynamite!

: Eddie Kingston def. Minoru Suzuki via pinfall to retain both titles. After, they chopped each other as a sign of respect.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone and Tony Khan announced that Orange Cassidy will challenge Rey Fenix tonight for the International title since Jon Moxley is not cleared yet.

The main show opens with TNT Champion Christian Cage hyping tonight’s show in the production truck. He calls it the biggest Dynamite yet and runs down Bryan vs. Swerve. Cage then takes credit for the first 30 minutes being commercial free.

They lock hands to start as Bryan buckles Swerve’s knee to get him down for pinfall attempts. Bryan flips Swerve over and they stare at each other in a stalemate. Bryan runs around Swerve until he’s tripped and Swerve goes for the crucifix pin before they roll around with covers. Back up, they lock up again and Swerve goes for a gut shot.

On the apron, Bryan boots Swerve before they trade chops. Swerve gains his footing and side-slams Bryan on the apron. Back inside, Swerve whips Bryan around and then powerslams him. Swerve hits a backbreaker and then goes up top for a 450 splash that lands on Bryan’s knees. Bryan leaps off the apron with a running knee. Back in again, Bryan goes up top for a missile dropkick. Bryan then unloads with Yes kicks, cover for two.

Bryan backflips over Swerve out of the corner but then runs into a kick to the midsection. Swerve rolls through the ropes as Bryan runs back in. Bryan goes to dive out but Swerve clocks him. Swerve places Bryan upside down on the turnbuckle and stomps him to the apron and they fall to the floor. Bryan regroups and applies a half crab. They move up top where Swerve attempts a suplex but Bryan shoves him for a rough landing. Bryan then throws Swerve with a back suplex.

Bryan stomps on Swerve’s face, but Swerve tries rising up. Bryan unloads again and pivots to Lebelle Lock. Swerve gets his foot on the leg to break. Bryan does a running corner dropkick but then collapses from weakness. Swerve hits House Call and a top rope stomp for a nearfall. Swerve plants Bryan and gets another nearfall. Prince Nana gets on the apron to argue with Aurbrey. Swerve grabs the crown but Hangman yanks it out of his hands. Bryan goes for a kne but Swerve counters. Bryan rolls him up, two. Bryan pops up and hits the running knee for the win.

Danielson will challenge Christian for the TNT title on Saturday’s Collision.

We see a new vignette for Samoa Joe as he still has his sights set on the world title.

Hobbs takes it to Jericho right away, clobbering him in the corner. Hobbs hits a spinebuter, two count. Callis riles up the crowd as Hobbs hits another spinebuster. Hobbs continues picking apart the former world champ until Jericho tries shoulder tackles. Jericho pulls out a Codebreaker out of nowhere, cover. Hobbs unloads with punches again as Jericho is laid out. Another spinebuster connects.

Jericho gets up and chops at Hobbs’ knee to take him down. He attempts Walls of Jericho and locks it in. Hobbs works out of it and slams Jericho two more times. Hobbs places his knee of Jericho’s face for the cover and Aubrey counts three.

After the bell, Hobbs powerslams Jericho again for good measure.

Back at Roddy’s house, he makes Adam Cole mow his grass while on the scooter. Cole wants to go home and change his shirt, but Roddy has a Neck Strong shirt inside for him. Cole asks Taven what’s up with the giraffe. Cole tries to leave for surgery but Strong insists he needs one more thing. To be continued…

They trade blows right away before Fenix gets a couple of clotheslines in. Fenix goes up top and lands a big frog splash, cover. Orange dropkicks Fenix from behind, sending him out. Cassidy tosses Fenix around into the barricades and then into the ring post. Fenix manages a sliding kick but then gets tripped onto his back on the apron.

Back inside, Fenix cuts off Orange on the top rope and tries for a muscle buster but his back won’t cooperate. Instead, Cassidy leaps with a diving DDT and then hits another tornado DDT for a nearfall. Fenix superkicks to counter the punch. Cassidy drops Fenix on his back, cover. Cassidy hits Orange Punch and takes Fenix down into a cover for the win.

Confetti falls as Best Friends, Rocky, and HOOK come out to congratulate him.

RJ City speaks to Toni Storm about her new silent short film, which airs during picture-in-picture.

Wardlow charges Matt into the corner. Wardlow hits several powerbombs until Aubrey calls for the bell.

Backstage, Renee tries to speak to Jericho about his health but Matt Menard asks Daniel Garcia what he’s doing checking on him. We don’t get a medical update yet, but Menard tells Garcia that they’re better than this.

Page tries to take the world title out of Jay’s hands, but Jay slaps Page across the face and then rolls out. Lock up, White is taken to the corner. He rolls out again only for Page to jump out onto him. BC Gold tries taunting Page but he maintains control going into commercial break.

Back to the action, White traps Page in a headlock until Page punches out of it. White dragonscrews the leg and then delivers a chop. Page catches White with a driver. Hangman then tosses White with a fallaway, cover. Outside the ring, Hangman slams White into the apron. Back inside, White struggles to regroup until he fights out of an Alabama slam. White musters the strength to suplex Page into the turnbuckle. On the apron, White drops Page on his right knee to take control going into another break.

We return to White and Page up on the turnbuckle. Page headbutts him and then hits a fallaway moonsault buster. White thumbs Page in the eye and then hits an Urinagi, cover. They trade blows until Page drops him with a rolling elbow. Page goes for Buckshot, but White dragon-screws the leg again. Page fights off White in the corner again. He goes up and moonsaults out of the ring to the floor on White.

White flatlines Page and throws him back with a German, cover. Page turns things around and nearly wins it, but BC Gold distracts the ref. While turned around, Prince Nana then strikes Hangman. White pins Page for the win.

Page chases off Nana, but then MJF’s music hits during White’s celebration. MJF cuts the music and is fired up. MJF says White got his Full Gear main event, but MJF wants his Triple B back. White says he doesn’t want to hear any more from MJF. He shushes the crowd and they boo. MJF goes off and says he’s trying to be better. Meanwhile, Jay uses people, including BC Gold. MJF would know because that’s out of his playbook. But for the first time, he has earned the fans’ respect. MJF only cares about Cole and the Triple B. White says MJF can’t just ask for the title — he has to win it at Full Gear. But if MJF can’t wait, he can try and take it with four of them vs. one. White challenges MJF to find three partners. Juice reveals the Dynamite Dozen battle royale is next week and he’s eyeing the Diamond Ring. Juice pulls out a roll of quarters and MJF is furious.

Saraya calls Shida a loser and tries shoving her. Shida unloads with punches but Saraya ducks to the ropes. Saraya then unloads with punches in the corner until Shida turns it around. Shida with a running knee in the opposite corner. Saraya rolls out, taunts fans, and then rolls back in only to get beat on. They roll around trading strikes briefly.

Shida drops Saraya on her face and then hits a running knee lift while Saraya is on the apron. A masked Ruby tries to strike with the spray paint. Instead, Shida sprays Ruby. As Ruby retreats, Toni Storm attacks with a shoe and then tosses Ruby into the crowd. Shida is speechless before Saraya ambushes her from behind. Storm chases Ruby in the audience as we head to commercial.

We return to elbow strikes from Shida followed by a jumping knee strike. Shida throws hands in the corner before hitting a missile dropkick, cover. Saraya whips Shida off the turnbuckle and Shida lands on her back on the apron. Back on her feet, Shida clocks Saraya and lands a stalling German suplex on the apron. Shida lands meteora on the floor. Back inside, Shida hits a running knee for a nearfall.

Saraya blocks Katana and attempts her submission. Shida fights out and kicks the champ in the head. Shida goes up top but doesn’t connect. Saraya drops her with Knight Cap, but Shida kicks out at the last second. Saraya tucks the spray paint in her waist band and sprays Shida while the ref throws out the kendo stick. Saraya hits a second Knight Cap, but Shida kicks out again. Shida hits Saraya with Falcon Arrow. They trade covers until Shida stacks on top for the three.

Renee tries speaking to MJF, but he’s not in the mood. Instead, he calls Adam who is still at Roddy’s. Adam loses connection before The Acclaimed walks up and offers to team with MJF. Caster’s proposal doesn’t go well as MJF walks off. Billy questions Caster’s infatuation with MJF.

Christian Cage accompanies Luchasaurus out for the main event. In the ring, Cage cuts a promo and calls himself Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne’s father. Cage says Adam’s wife Beth is a huge fan of his. Cage tells her to put clean sheets on the bed because daddy’s coming home soon. Copeland hits the ring but is attacked by Wayne and Luchasaurus. Fans rally Copeland up to his feet despite his neck being targeted.

Luchsaurus ambushes Copeland in the corner and clotheslines him. Copeland is hit with a tombstone, nearfall. Cage is watching from the ramp. Lucha whips Adam into the turnbuckle and Adam goes back down. Lucha slams Adam again before raking his boot across his face. Lucha hits a slightly stalled suplex. Copeland finally gets to his feet and throws forearm shots. Lucha boots him again and Copeland falls out of the ring.

After the break, Copeland elbows Luchasaurus on the apron and then hits him with a diving DDT on the floor. Copeland goes up and splashes on Luchasaurus from behind. Copeland connects with Impaler, nearfall. The ring steps are propped on the floor as they climb to the top rope. Copeland brings down right hands on his back. Copeland finally suplexes Luchasaurus into the ring.

Cage approaches the ring as Wayne messes around in the other corner. Adam goes for a spear but Luchasaurus catches him with a chokeslam for another nearfall. Both men boot each other down. Adam chops Lucha and goes to bump him onto the stairs, but Lucha chokes him instead. On the apron, Adam counters and slams Lucha onto his back. Adam then runs off the apron, using the steps and spears Luchasaurus on the floor. Cags runs down with the TNT title. Wayne distracts the ref, but Adam uses the title against Lucha. Lucha gets up and thinks Cage hit him. Lucha turns around into a spear and that does it.

Wayne chopblocks Adam after the bout and stomps away with Luchasaurus accompanying. Danielson hits the ring and tries to make the save but Lucha boots him. Cage stomps away until BCC’s Claudio and Yuta make the save. Out comes Gates of Agony and Swerve, followed by Hangman. Bryan traps Cage in Lebelle Lock as Copeland spears Wayne amidst the chaos.

Adam Copeland Has No Real Mindset Against Luchasaurus Except To Further The Story

