Just when you thought it was over, Spider-Man: Lotus gets dragged into another fresh bout of u

With Spider-Man: Lotus now having been released and taken the requisite pasting from all corners of the internet due to both its lack of quality and the controversy that torpedoed its once-burgeoning reputation youd have thought the fan film would now be slinking off to the background of the conversation.

With Spider-Man: Lotus now having been released – and taken the requisite pasting from all corners of the internet due to both its lack of quality and the controversy that torpedoed its once-burgeoning reputation – you’d have thought the fan film would now be slinking off to the background of the conversation.

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Somehow, though, the opposite has proven to be true. Whispers are now making the rounds on social media that threaten to plunge Lotus into an even deeper and darker hole, with claims being made by Twitter (or X, whatever) user NirvanaM1ndDX that creator Gavin J. Konop was aware of – and attempted to cover up – sexual misconduct allegations looming over Green Goblin star John Salandria, purportedly tied to an acting student of his who was under the age of 18.

Not only that, but further claims have emerged offering that things are going to somehow get even worse, with one user stating that there’s even more dirty laundry about to be aired, and the situation could somehow on track to potentially become even worse.

The initial racist backlash sunk Lotus completely to begin with, and while these are all just unsubstantiated tales being perpetuated across online circles for now, the first wave of accusations that destroyed Konop’s passion project initially began as a single social media post before exploding into widespread outrage and indignation.

Once upon a time, Jon Watts and Andrew Garfield were proponents of Spider-Man: Lotus, but those days feel like a long time ago after the project has done nothing but run headlong into unsavory issues entirely of its own making.

